CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is a great way to do your weekly groceries for local food. Sign up with a farmer who offers a CSA program and each week, a supply of in-season produce will be waiting just for you at a convenient pickup location.

Why CSA?

Think of it as prepaying for your groceries. You get a steady supply of in-season products and the farmer gets a steady income so they can focus on producing great food.

CSA or Farmer’s Markets: The tasty options

If you are looking for a regular and ample supply of fresh produce, consider CSA for your family or business. The CSA famer will have a selection of products reserved just for you. You can enjoy your regular favourites plus try out some new flavours. Plus you don’t have to remember what’s in season when, because the CSA always supplies seasonal produce. However, if you prefer sampling from a variety of vendors and choosing on the spot, then you are more of a Farmer’s Market shopper. So how do you choose? Start at the Farmer’s Market. You will get to know your own shopping patterns and meet local farmers too. Then you choose to join a CSA program, or continue with the market … or both.